Eden Alternative® Academy

A peer-to-peer learning experience, the Eden Alternative® Academy is an affordable, ONLINE educational forum facilitated by seasoned culture change leaders who have successfully implemented person-directed care in their organizations.

The Eden Alternative® Academy is your next step for the culture change journey. Are you one of our Associates? Or a champion of culture change in general? Enroll in the Eden Alternative® Academy to share ideas, learn new approaches, and enhance your toolkit! A team of 2 or more from your organization are welcome to enroll. Consider all care partners as potential students (employees, family members, and the Elders themselves).

Here’s how the Academy works…

  • Students enroll for a 4-8 week semester course of their choice;
  • Each week highlights a specific focus that supports the overall course theme;
  • Each week features stories and wisdom from all participants, deepening learning potential;
  • Takeaways include practical tools and resources that turn theory into practice; and
  • Students apply what they learn in between online sessions through weekly “growth work.”

Attendees can register to receive continuing education credits for the semester. All semester courses will be archived and available for purchase after a semester course concludes (CEUs are only available for participation in the live event).

Benefits of Academy enrollment include…

Personal Transformation:

  • Increased well-being and engagement of all care partners (Elders, leaders, employees, family members, etc.);
  • Rejuvenated spirits for the champions of change who lead the transformation;
  • Stronger skill set for culture change champions to drive and sustain change efforts;
  • Alignment of care partners across the organization;
  • Empowered care partners that can be their best, every day; and
  • Adaptable care partners, able to respond to changing needs due to strong relationships.

Environmental Transformation:

  • Creating home, physically, spiritually, and emotionally;
  • Creating a Caring Community with a family-by-affection atmosphere;
  • A transformative culture where all care partners can experience growth;
  • Creative solutions to bust barriers and overcome challenges; and
  • Germinating passion and commitment, even in frosty times.

Organizational Transformation:

  • Improved organizational well-being as care partner satisfaction and ownership increases;
  • Better quality of life and quality of care for the Elders accepting support;
  • Stronger leadership bench for future sustainability;
  • Increase employee satisfaction and retention; and,
  • Increase revenue and exceed regulatory expectations.

Semester Courses
Registration per person $50 USD
Group Registration (4 or more) $199 USD
Eden Alternative Academy link